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China Site Cold War

America's sovereignty and safety are under threat.

We are in a new Cold War with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The CCP Threatens America’s …

  • Jobs: The CCP is seizing control of American supply chains, infusing them with China’s unfair trade practices, poor environmental standards, and the use of forced labor—all of which undermines American companies and workers. 
  • Farmland and Agriculture: Chinese entities are buying swaths of U.S. real estate, including farmland and property near military installations, threatening national security, the agriculture industry, and our food supply chain. 
  • Critical Infrastructure: Chinese cyberespionage is targeting all sorts of  American businesses and sectors, stealing American technology and intellectual property worth tens of billions of dollars while targeting critical infrastructure, like power grids. 
  • Data and Technology: Chinese-controlled tech companies have infiltrated government entities, potentially granting the CCP access to data stored by government departments, educational institutions, and law enforcement agencies. 

How do we protect American interests and counter the threat of the CCP?

State lawmakers can take decisive action to do three key things:

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